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Logo Redesign
Renovating a 100 year old public health agency
Delta Mosquito and Vector Control District
Delta Mosquito and Vector Control District, formerly known as Delta Vector Control District, is a mosquito abatement district located in northern Tulare County in central California. Since its establishment in 1922, the district has expanded its efforts to control mosquitoes and other vectors from physical and chemical control to routine disease testing, research, drone surveillance, public education and outreach, and controlling of invasive mosquito species. To better reflect their growing public health efforts, the district has implemented a change in their name and logo.
Biologist and Designer
Primarily a Biologist for the public health agency, but I served as the primary designer for the logo redesign.
Project Goals
Redesign the agency’s logo to better reflect their growing efforts to protect public health and match the agency’s name change.
In 2021, Delta Mosquito and Vector Control District was seeking a logo redesign to better represent the evolving intentions of the district. Formerly known as Delta Vector Control District, the agency wants to let the public know that they provide control for mosquitoes, as well as other vectors, such as ticks and fleas, in order to mitigate vector-borne diseases and improve public health.
Feedback and Iterations
Soon after I made my sketches, look at other mosquito and vector control district logos, and after designing mockups of the new prospective logo for Delta Mosquito and Vector Control District, I reviewed the mockups with the general manager. Some major suggestions were (1) change the brown ribbon into a light blue color and (2) use “Since 1922” at the bottom of the logo.
Final Logo
I shared my iterations with the general manager with Delta Mosquito and Vector Control District, and we both agreed on one design that best reflects the mission, and vision, of both the general manager and the agency as a whole. The new logo reflects the agency’s intentions to protect the public from mosquitoes and other vectors, such as ticks and fleas. In addition, the new logo reflects the ample agricultural fields within the district boundaries as well as the beautiful Sierra mountain range surrounding the district.
Final Words
As I emabarked on my journey to become a UX designer, this was my first design project. Although I was not designing a product, designing a new logo helped me understand the value of heuristics, understanding the problem and mission statement of a client, and honing my creative talents.